Monday, March 15, 2010


In Scottsdale it was a beautiful weather day for the Goodguys Hot Rod show. This is why people visit Arizona - warm sunshine and cool breezes, hope you brought your sunscreen.

The favorite this year was a Buick project! You can't be serious. There were people swarming all over this $14,000 gem. RARE to say the least. As far as humans go - I'm probably in as bad of shape, but you don't see people swarming to see me! HaHaHa.

Creativity is part of collector car ownership.

Hood ornament on a Packard! Now that's style

This beautiful Packard Woody Wagon - only $70K

What the heck . . . . . . . ?????
Ford Thunderbird in front - Buick Riveria in back. 5 different cars in one!

Is that a Buick Riveria? Is that a Ford Thunderbird? This car is custom designed from 5 different cars - everyone must like it because there's at least a little of some car you really love.

Hey everybody! That's ELVIS in that Chevy Normd! Looking Good!!!

Oh, did I mention the Ostrich skin seats? For Elvis only the best!

We had a great time at this show!