Okay - here is our favorite auto in the show. 1964 COBRA!! First year!!! And, yes this car is traveling in the road rally. This guy from Wisconsin found the car in a barn and there was an old truck "hanging", yes I did say hanging, from chains over the car. Wild yes???

Now the story goes that he bought this car for $450K and then added $20K to get it running. Unbelieveable no????

The minis were there. Everyone just loves the minis - especially children as they relate them to cartoons. Me too!

This was the coolest thing! This car owner must love the skull theme - there was of course the classic skull gear shifter - but with a way cooler skull than I've seen before. Loved the skull smoking the cigar! And then we looked under the hood and there is a skull floating in the gas filter! AWESOME!!!!