Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The crop is doing well this year, the views remain breathtaking and the taller the trees become the more we are encouraged regarding our farming abilities. Russ works very hard each time we visit and I must say it's paying off.

Thomas enjoying Temecula!

Water under the bridge as the saying goes. Our over/under bridge got a workout this spring, there was plenty of water gushing from the conduit under the bridge and the creek was also running swift. One thing we like about the creek having water is the sound of the frogs each evening.

Jacaranda trees did well this year and are also highlighted by the fuscia ice plant at their base. I'm so excited that at least now you can see our flowers from the roadside. yay! The lovely purple flowers at the top of our property are not our but belong to a flower grower.

Some unusual stuff at the grove:

A few trees that burned back to the roots a couple of years ago in heavy frost came back strong and are producing avocados, BUT those are smooth skinned in comparison to the Haas of the original tree stock. We tried them and they taste good, but most would think they were not as creamy in texture.

Then another strange finding: This tree was hidden behind a sycamore and received very little sunshine is the best we could figure out. Why the stems on this tree grew more than 10 times longer than regular growth is certainly beyond us.


March 6, 2011

A young man was being pursued by Prescott police and at high speeds ran the stop sign at Goodwin and Mt. Vernon streets, then lost control and wiped out our 25 year old hedge! Goodness sakes!

This hedge was put in to protect our yard from noise, dust and of course this very kind of accident. Lucky we put it in all those years back.

The young driver was not seriously injured. Seems there was alcohol involved and he had already had an accident in downtown Prescott for which he was being pursued. His father was very kind to leave a note with insurance information to have the hedge repaired. I'm sure it was that big plum tree that stopped the car from coming into the yard further but it was also likely the reason the car rolled over.

As you may imagine, the car was totaled and car parts were all over the yard and in the bushes. Amazing! At least he missed the glider swing which is one of my favorite things.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Hope you have the opportunity to check out Russ' new website. He's really excited about this up and coming web adventure.


Friday, February 4, 2011


So you think it's cold? Arizona has produced new record lows and highs (meaning they are lower than ever!). First time in decades that you actually need to wear a coat (yes I said COAT) in Phoenix.

February 4, 2011 - Mesa Arizona

Monday, January 3, 2011

HELLO 2011!

Prescott was a very cool 5 degrees on New Year's Eve. After shoveling snow from sidewalks and porches, we were ready to greet friends for a great celebration.

As new and old friends gathered we figured out it takes a village to open champagne. There is a possibility that the laughter and fun made the task next to impossible, but everyone got a turn and finally the task was accomplished.

As the evening progressed the stories were better and better. Friends sharing tales of past years.

Friends came from Arizona and California to enjoy the evening and the weekend.

New friends, John and Martha. We enjoyed their company and hope to have an opportunity to get together again soon.

Jak and Val, the newlyweds. Glad they could spend New Year's in Prescott.

New and old friends gathered to welcome in 2011! We had a fun time and look forward to getting together throughout this year.




So here we are and it's time to get those holiday decorations out once again. I love decorating for Christmas as I go through the decorations and remember the special story that each one holds. I'm sure we all have them, the ones the kids made in the oven when they were 4 years old, the ones that were handed down from Grandma in 1970, the ones that you found on sale after the season. All of those that have special stories of friends, family, kids.

So then I go out to this great little shop in Prescott called "Fancy That" and I see these decorations! I really felt the need to have my tree decorated just like it. So ---- I buy new decorations, take them home, have a friend help me REDECORATE the tree and here is the result! This tree just makes me smile!


Jak and Valerie Kaminski wedding, December 30, 2010. Russ and I have known Jak for more than 30 years so Russ was honored to be asked to be the Best Man at the wedding.

Here comes the Bride! Jak and Valerie were married at their home in Paradise Valley, AZ. It was certainly a windy and cool day but the warmth and happiness of the wedding overcame those obstacles as the beautiful bride entered the room.

Mr. & Mrs. Jak Kaminski.