Service Project - Empty Bowls, Prescott Arizona. We gather together and each member prepares and decorates one or more bowls which are then donated to the Annual Empty Bowls event to help end hungar.

The 13th Annual Empty Bowls event will take place on September 12, 2010 at the Prescott Courthouse Plaza in Prescott, Arizona from 11am to 2pm. The money raised goes to the Yavapai County Food Banks
HI. I'm with a Beta Sigma Phi chapter here in Green Valley and would like some information from another Beta sister on life in Prescott. Have a sister wanting to move out this way and Prescott is on the radar for retiring. Can you give me any info? email me..
Lillian: Please feel free to email me at to discuss Prescott, AZ. My husband and I have had our home there for 29 years and there a several Beta Sigma Phi chapters. I was unable to obtain your email address from the blog.
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