Monday, November 8, 2010


This was the most amazing fall season I have seen in Prescott in decades! It was so amazingly beautiful in the morning sunshine. It even appeared that the houses were painted over with gold overtones. This is a picture from our back porch. This was such an infusion of gold - it was breathtaking. OH FALL!!!!

Our walk to breakfast early Saturday morning gave us the opportunity to walk under the canopy of gold! I can't remember when I've seen Prescott so beautiful with fall color.

The picture on the left is taken walking north along Mt. Vernon, the picture on the right is walking south along the same walkway. That one tree with all of the yellow on the trunk was quite the scene stealer for the weekend. So many tourist and Prescott residents stopped to take photos of that one tree. The tree is in front of our neighbors home.

The houses seems to be painted with gold overtones.

In our backyard, under the pergola, you feel as if you are sheltered with a sea of gold. It was wonderful to see the Fall colors!

1 comment:

Pilla Leitner said...

No wonder you're back there again this weekend! How could you even come back for the workweek?